Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Michael Fox
BFA Exhibition 2013

            The piece I will create this semester will encompass everything I have learned throughout my art career thus far.  It will represent where I am as an artist and will hopefully lead me into further development of my technical skill and conceptual ability.  I have become obsessed with interactive art, it entrances me unlike any other genre/type of art and so I hope to create that same obsession in others this semester.  It will be one installation and I will make it as large scale as I can afford and am allowed.
            I would like my BFA Exhibition to be a text on parallel worlds. Throughout history many people have believed in multiple worlds, worlds that we cannot not see or interact with but yet they exist and sometimes they affect our lives.  I would like to bring this topic into the mind of the user and make them question how and when in their own lives they may have been affected by forces outside of what we can perceive.
            The piece will use a grid of LEDs to create a blanket over the user.  It will represent the barrier of worlds.  When the LEDs move vertically it will appear as though something is pushing them towards the viewer from the other side.  On the floor will be mirrors to reflect the image of the LED ceiling.  They will also make the space seem larger to the viewer.  The mirrors on the floor will represent another barrier of worlds.
            The final format will be a 12 x 8 foot LED installation 14 to 8 feet off the ground.  An aluminum frame will hold all the motors and circuitry and will also support the LEDs and their wires.  The computer and microcontroller for processing will be near the nearest outlet and wires will be cable-tied/taped to nearby poles/walls/floors for ideal cable management.

List of Equipment needed:
-Drill Press
-Hand Drill
-Hack Saw
-Soldering Iron
-Electrical Tape
-Wire Cutters/Strippers
-Stainless Steel Hanging Wire
-Power Supply (voltage and amp currently unknown)
-Arduino Mega
-Kinect (ordered)

1 comment:

  1. Comments from small group crit #1:

    showed concept drawing and sample motor controlled via Kinect. using Processing; consider sound (maybe Cory Kaspryk would be interested in contributing). go to the fabric store and begin testing elasticity of fabrics - you may need to either PUSH or PULL with the motor; experiment with different reflective surfaces for the ground.

    would pushing on the fabric be better than pulling? test the fabrics and tension of the fabric. find out how much torque he needs for the pushing/pulling and the impact that will take on the sounds in the gallery. use silver adhered to mylar? or plexi? is kinect working to identify unique points in the camera location? test this code immediately by having a simple and unique ‘hello world’ come up when you walk into a specific space in the environment.

    Progress: A-, Concept: A
