Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Motors and 595 chip

The motor schematic has worked flawlessly.  Two motors have stood out as the most efficient and cost effective.

1955669 (canon)


The second motor is less expensive than the canon and requires much fewer amps at maximum efficiency, .06 compared to .25.  It also has quite a bit less torque 14.8 g/cm compared to 34.8 g/cm.  To run the 96 motors I am planning on using it would only require 5.76 amperes at 12volts.  The canon would require 24 amps.  Although this may seem like a given, the second motor is cheaper and would require less amperes but it doesn't appear to be as high quality.  I have until Monday to make my final decision.  That is when I order the first set of parts.

I haven't had as much luck with the 595 chip.  I tried several times today to get it working with just LED's but the communications between the arduino and the chip just aren't working.  I'll try again tomorrow.

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